Denny’s $5.99 T-Shirts Get You Daily Free Breakfast For A Year

Lots of restaurants sell shirts to advertise their business, but here’s one restaurant shirt that will get you free food for a year.

Everyday Value Shirt Dennys Free Breakfast

Denny’s is getting in on the Black Friday insanity with a $5.99 T-shirt that gives the person who wears the shirt a free meal every day for a whole year. Denny’s is calling it “the first wearable breakfast subscription.”

The T-shirt says “Everyday” and has a unique QR code which can be scanned to redeem one free Everyday Value Meal each day in 2023.

Here’s the catch: There’s only 150 of them up for grabs. Denny’s will sell 150 of them on starting at midnight on Nov. 25th. I wonder if the website will crash the same way Taylor Swift crashed Ticketmaster?

An Everyday Value Meal includes eggs, bacon or sausage, and your choice of two pancakes, one French toast slice or a biscuit and gravy. This meal usually costs $5.99, which gives the shirt a value of $2,186. How’s that for a deal?

This is a tasty spin on the subscription craze that’s been creeping into everything recently, and it’s a hard to beat a 99.7% discount. Don’t forget to tip your waitstaff accordingly.


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