How Much Does Delta Dental, Aspen Dental and Metlife Dental Insurance Cost?

Nobody looks forward to going to the dentist, but it’s very important to get regular cleanings and checkups. You can only do so much with regular brushing and flossing, and it takes the professional with the scrape and vibration tools to get rid of nasty tartar buildup. Also, once you have a cavity, it will not go away and can lead to much more serious situations. Many people have dental insurance through their employer, but you will be paying directly for dental care if you are self-employed or currently unemployed. How much does dental insurance cost? We looked at three popular providers: Delta Dental, Aspen Dental, and MetLife Dental. Figure out the best plan for you and your family and protect those smiles for a lifetime!

Beautiful Girl Great Smile

Delta Dental

Delta Dental, founded in 1966, is the biggest dental insurance company in the U.S. and is made up of 39 dependent member organizations. The cost of a Delta Dental plan will vary based on your location, but here are some ballpark figures for the most common plan which would be 100% of diagnostic services and 50% of restorative services:

Delta Dental Monthly Premiums
Single: $55
Single +1: $100
Family: $160

Aspen Dental

Aspen Dental is not technically an insurance plan, but a dental support organization which provides more affordable care to a larger amount of people. DSOs have become the most popular form of dental care to low income families in the US. Aspen dental clinics are found throughout the United States and most of them offer a free exam and x-rays for new patients. here are the current costs of services from Aspen Dental:

Aspen Dental Pricelist
Basic Cleaning $80 
Filling (White) $140
Filling (Silver) $130
Tooth Extraction $160
Crown $1000
Dentures $400-$1500 (based on type)
Root Canal $1200

Metlife Dental PPO

MetLife Dental, or the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, is one of the largest worldwide providers of insurance. They are a common dental insurance and our research indicates that they come in a little cheaper than Delta dental based on location. Here are some ballpark figures for 100% of diagnostic services and 50% of restorative services:

Metlife Dental Monthly Premiums
Single: $40
Single +1: $70
Single + Children: $70
Family: $110

They also offer the MetLife TakeAlong Dental plan which is an individual dental policy that you take along through your life events making it possibly the last time you’ll have to enroll for dental insurance. To learn more, call the MetLife dental phone number at 1-800-942-0854

Shane McNally

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