How Much Do Breast Implants Cost?

Breast implants have become one of the most popular cosmetic surgeries. There are fewer risks in some cases associated with this procedure then there has been in the past. If you have decided that it’s time to proceed with breast implant surgery, it’s important to know the costs involved. This procedure can greatly improve self-esteem and self-image and some people, but there are also health risks, so it’s best to consider the pros and cons.

Location of Surgery

Location will be one factor to look at for the costs of breast implants. Just like the cost of living determines the price of everyday goods and services like car mechanics and birdhouses, it also comes into play for surgery. If the surgeon has a high cost of operations, then that will be passed on to the client. In some instances, it might make more sense for you to travel to a different part of the country to have the procedure done, and thrifty consumers should use the Internet to research costs in other locations in order to save a little money. Another aspect of the expense involves the facility. A specialist who works out of the smaller office will be more affordable than a surgeon who operates out of a hospital setting. Keep in mind that a hospital setting is safer for emergencies if they were to arise.

Surgeon and Procedure Fees

cost breast implantsThe surgeon’s fee for breast implant surgery is typically between $1500 and $7000 for an average procedure. The level of experience of the surgeon, as well as the demand of that surgeon, will determine where the price falls within this range. Also, the difficulty and length of the procedure will play a role. A genuine plastic surgeon will always be more expensive than a non-certified professional, and you can check their certification in the United states at the website for the American Board of plastic surgeons. The kind of incisions using her surgery will affect the price. There are five incision types that are most frequently administered including trans abdominal, transaxillary, inframmary, and periareolar.  The pocket placements also come into effect for costs. You will also need to be knocked out for this procedure, as it’s quite painful. The cheapest option for anesthesia is having the surgeon do it, though this is riskier and not recommended. Otherwise, you’ll use a certified anesthesiologists or a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist, the latter of which is cheaper.

Cost of the Breast Implants

Obviously, we have to consider the price of the implants themselves. Silicone implants usually fall between $1600 and $2600. Saline breast implants are a little bit cheaper coming in at around $1100 and $1500. The size of the implants will determine where you fall in this range, so the bigger the pricier.

Lab Fees

Lab testing is necessary for any kind of surgery in order to clarify that you are healthy enough for the procedure. This usually involves basic blood work, a pregnancy test, and a mammogram. Your insurance usually covers most of these fees, but it’s always best to call them and ask directly about your coverage. You will also be given a prescription for pain medication after the surgery, which will add to your cost.  Finally, you will need to purchase some special clothing for the procedure.

Total Cost of Breast Implants

In summarization, but total cost of breast implant surgery falls between $5500 and $14,000 depending on all of the factors that were discussed. It is advised to research areas near you, along with a locations farther away, in order to search for the best price for this procedure. Keep in mind it’s always best to use a genuine plastic surgeon in a hospital for the lowest risk of complications and highest percentage of success.

Shane McNally

2 thoughts on “How Much Do Breast Implants Cost?

  1. Very nice, that seems pretty accurate! Still, there many more factors at play, and as a patient you better not care about money much because really quality implants and really complex procedures require more expenses

  2. My sister wants to have her breast size adjusted so that she can fit into her dream dress for prom. When I read that patients should consider looking for a clinic that can perform this procedure with less cost, what other factors should a person consider before getting them? Also, should one look for a surgeon that has performed a lot of successful implants? Thanks!

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