Bookmark ‘Em: 4 Investment Websites about the Stock Market
With so many online tools, it’s getting easier for everyday consumers to invest in the stock market. From apps like Robinhood to managed investments with your local investment shop, those with some financial smarts and a willingness to learn can trade on the stock market.
The problem many people face as they start investing is that there’s too much information to keep up with and they can’t find success in investing. After all, it’s not like “regular people” have the time or resources that a full-time investment analyst does.
The good news is there are plenty of investment websites that can help you keep track of your stock picks. These sites provide both concise information as well as detailed analysis on each pick.
Below are four investment websites you should consider when starting out with investing.
Seeking Alpha 
Seeking Alpha is one of the best investment websites to find transcripts and write-ups from quarterly earnings calls. Reading these materials can help you gauge how a company is performing and what management sees on the horizon.
This website also includes several sections geared toward the kind of portfolio you want to build. These sections include ideas for shorts, longs, and dividends as well as strategies for picking investments for your portfolio.
To get access to all the information available on Seeking Alpha, you do need to register and create an account. The service is free to use.
For information that’s a bit more robust, check out On this website, you can find pricing data, financial statements, and tons of other historical data for companies.
If you’re thinking about tracking mutual funds or ETFs, Morningstar has plenty of performance data around those entities. They also include a comprehensive rating system for mutual funds.
You can get their basic service for free which gets you 5 years of historical data. For double the amount of historical data, you’ll have to pay for the premium service ($189 per year). The premium subscription also gets you portfolio analysis and optimization tips.
Money Map Press
If you’re looking for advice written by investment industry veterans look no further than Money Map Press. The industry veterans behind this site have over 250 years collective investing experience.
While you’re not going to find stock tickers changing every second on this website, you will find dozens of types of newsletters you can subscribe to for in-depth analysis from experienced investors. In these newsletters, What is PSV Nova Report, you’ll get answers to your questions like which stocks you should short and how to invest in tech.
Money Map press also offers trading services and other premium services.
Google Finance
For those of you who feel more comfortable with your investments and merely want a fast way to check your stock picks’ performances each day, a news aggregator is for you. One of the best ones out there is Google Finance.
Google Finance pulls in company news, pricing, ratios, earnings, charts, and competitor information to give you a quick and holistic view of how your stocks are doing.
Bookmark These Investment Websites Now
Of course, even if you have your go-to investment websites, you still need to have easy access to them. That’s why saving them to your bookmark bar can make remembering and using them so much easier.